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Welcome to Angel Academy

Angel Academy has been designed in order to reach deeper levels of mindfulness, self mastery and understanding. 

Below you can see a list of the courses we are offering, We will look forward to journeying with you soon!

Chakra Journey ~ Destination: Self Mastery

A sacred journey into your inner energies where you will discover that your energy systems connect to your physical body, mind, emotions and soul. Thus allowing you to connect deeper to Earth Energy and Divine Spirit Energy, to receive divine wisdom by strengthening your intuition and connecting with your higher self.

Along the journey you will discover your emotional triggers and blocks that are preventing you from leading a life of deep peace, clarity and oneness.

You will be supported by the Angelic Kingdom of light with Angel meditations and activations as we delve into each energy centre.

Each module has been designed to give you the tools to support all 7 chakras in the form of a video lesson, meditations and activations, crystals, essential oils and foods that will strengthen and comfort each chakra.

You will have inner work to carry out with journaling, deep questioning and activities each week.

This will lead you to understanding yourself deeper and becoming master of yourself on all levels of consciousness.


Course Option​s​

Enrolment is now open!

Chakra Journey ~ Deluxe

Journey with support - You will receive 1 (45 minute) call a week for 8 weeks to support each energy journey. Where you will be able to discuss what has come up for you. Giving you additional support and guidance.

Chakra Journey

Work independently through the modules over the following 8 weeks.

Multiple payment plans are available.



Read what students are saying about their journey to self mastery.

Where were you before working with me ?

I was currently working on myself but seemed to be going around in circles and never truly getting to the root of my emotional problem's. I did this course out of curiosity but it has help me in more ways than one. D.M

In a dark lonely place, unmotivated and depressed but the last few weeks of working through the course have left me feeling lighter and invigorated.  M.P

What have been the results you have received from working with me ?

Justine has help me look at things in a different perspective, helping to unblock past traumas and behaviours that I thought that I had already healed. The course helped to unravel and reveal deeply hidden past traumas that stemmed back to childhood right through to present day. I feel lighter and brighter for doing the course and now feel more confident to move on with my own spiritual work. D.H 

From the hot stone massage, reiki and the one to one mentoring on the chakra course I have slowly but surely began to feel better and more in tune with who I am both spiritually and mentally. I still have a way to go but rather than stumbling along in the dark I can now see the path I need to follow thanks to Justine’s guidance and help. M.P

Course Curriculum 

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